So we finally made it, and sent out an official announcement for
This new repository hosts packages for all PostgreSQL server versions (at the moment 8.3, 8.4, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2) for several Debian/Ubuntu distributions (squeeze, wheezy, sid, precise) on two architectures (amd64, i386). Now add packages for extension modules on top of all these, and you get a really large amount of binaries from a small number of sources. Right now there's 1670 .deb files and 148 .dsc files, but the .dsc count includes variants that only differ in the version number per distribution (we attach .pgdg60+1 for squeeze packages, .pgdg70+1 for wheezy and so on), so the real number of different sources is rather something like 81, with 38 distinct source package names.
Dimitri Fontaine, Magnus Hagander, and I have been working on this since I first presented the idea at PGconf.EU 2011 in Amsterdam. We now have a Jenkins server building all the packages, an archive server with the master repository, and a feed that syncs the repository to the FTP (well, mostly http) server.
If you were previously using, that's the same archive as on (one rsync away). Please update your sources.list to point to, I'll shut down the archive at that location at the end of January.
Here's the Quickstart instructions from the Wiki page:
Import the repository key from
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list. The distributions are called codename-pgdg. In the example, replace squeeze with the actual distribution you are using:
deb squeeze-pgdg main
Configure apt's package pinning to prefer the PGDG packages over the Debian ones in /etc/apt/preferences.d/pgdg.pref:
Package: * Pin: release Pin-Priority: 500
Note: this will replace all your Debian/Ubuntu packages with available packages from the PGDG repository. If you do not want this, skip this step.
Update the package lists, and install the pgdg-keyring package to automatically get repository key updates:
apt-get update apt-get install pgdg-keyring