different nicks were represented on #mutt.
| Nick | Lines | When? | Words | Seen | Random quote |
1 |
filePeter | 55 |    | 679 | today | "Ublx: It is absolutely possible!" |
2 |
dfdx | 40 |   | 717 | 5d ago | "thank you. sorry for the noise!" |
3 |
amandreth | 35 |   | 535 | 4d ago | "Is there a way to speed up header caching? Like is one db backend" |
4 |
Ublx | 26 |     | 419 | yesterday | "oldf81 f8l : I saved it with offlineimap. And it says it's the ma" |
5 |
RadoQ | 26 |    | 279 | yesterday | "defaults depends on your installation." |
6 |
kevin8t8 | 23 |    | 519 | today | "amandreth: heads up that the branch is still work-in-progress. I" |
7 |
patanga | 21 |   | 409 | today | "gpanders: how did you know that a message is not aborted if the t" |
8 |
gpanders | 20 |   | 484 | today | "trysten: you're talking about moving messages from your inbox int" |
9 |
wwalker | 18 |    | 404 | 2d ago | "My sincere apologies for wasting everyone's time" |
10 |
twb | 16 |  | 163 | 24d ago | "$ git grep -Fw COPY -- '**imap**' shows some hits now" |
11 |
f8l | 15 |   | 289 | 14d ago | "Ublx: How about this sequence? ‘c ~/ tab tab’" |
12 |
trysten | 13 |   | 339 | 2d ago | "Like, i'm not saving anything. I'm just sorting it." |
13 |
brejela_ | 11 |   | 75 | today | "mutt crashes when displays emojis" |
14 |
init0 | 10 |  | 41 | yesterday | "<tag-pattern>=(19700101-X)<enter><tag-prefix-cond><saver" |
15 |
GNU\colossus | 8 |   | 202 | yesterday | "I use mutt to interact with a Maildir via dovecot/imap. I have fu" |
16 |
ajak | 6 |   | 134 | today | "well, i don't have a cert, i'd like to use my GPG key" |
17 |
sarnold | 6 |   | 74 | 10d ago | "hmm, I wonder if mutt would wait to delete the file if you set th" |
18 |
swimmer | 6 |  | 66 | 3d ago | "it's looking good so far :)" |
19 |
rkta | 5 |  | 39 | 6d ago | "Or maybe a bug fix depending on perspective :)" |
20 |
sss | 5 |  | 22 | 11d ago | "hi all, is anywhere exists guide for newbie how to configure mult" |
21 |
Paddy_NI | 5 |  | 129 | 26d ago | "Especially when I should be working!" |
22 |
eletrotupi | 5 |   | 63 | 25d ago | "Someone has saw something related to this behavior anywhere?" |
23 |
oldf8l | 5 |  | 126 | 5d ago | "Ublx: I tested some mail synchronisation program (probaply offlin" |
24 |
Celelibi | 4 |   | 33 | 20d ago | "What command line sieve client would you recommend?" |
25 |
birkoff | 4 |  | 48 | 9d ago | "slow as in one message is shown per line in like a second" |
26 |
magpi | 3 |  | 65 | today | "I don't know if this is a termux issue or a mutt issue, but when" |
27 |
damarusama | 3 |  | 32 | 10d ago | "hum that's not the problem :S" |
28 |
Mocramis | 3 |   | 56 | 10d ago | "hello. I'm looking for a way to only display threads in which i a" |
29 |
taman | 2 |  | 17 | 13d ago | "brrm, try attach-message, normally bound to 'A', while you're in" |
30 |
binTrl | 2 |  | 77 | 5d ago | "Hello, I've got mutt with gmail on imap. Whenever I open an email" |
31 |
thorsten` | 2 |  | 40 | 6d ago | "How can I make mutt save a copy of a message to fcc when sending" |
32 |
brrm | 2 |  | 48 | 11d ago | "hi, is it possible to attach a message from INBOX to another mail" |
33 |
moviuro | 2 |  | 43 | 7d ago | "Hi all, what are some sane ideas to manage contacts (and integrat" |
34 |
ccw8 | 2 |  | 71 | 12d ago | "So I guess I'll choose #mst 505, since it's may 5th (where I am)." |
35 |
eiro | 1 |  | 21 | 4d ago | "hello people. is there a way to reply to a message based on its p" |
36 |
zsw | 1 |  | 3 | 6d ago | "kevin8t8: thank you" |
37 |
JimmyCoder | 1 |  | 56 | 22d ago | "Hi. I recently started using mutt. I have setup mutt with multipl" |
38 |
Erayaydin | 1 |  | 45 | 17d ago | "Hi all, I google it but couldn't find exactly what I want. Are th" |
39 |
SumnerEvans[m] | 1 |  | 23 | 3d ago | "If you are using Gmail, and sending the message through Gmail's S" |
40 |
stultulo | 1 |  | 10 | 11d ago | "Ublx: Maildir should work fine as far as I know." |
Is patanga stupid or just asking too many questions? 57.1% lines contained a question!
filePeter didn't know that much either. 40.0% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was dfdx, who yelled 17.5% of the time!
Another old yeller was wwalker, who shouted 16.7% of the time!
It seems that init0's shift-key is hanging: 10.0% of the time he wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <init0> X^^
twb just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 6.2% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly. |
GNU\colossus brings happiness to the world. 37.5% lines contained smiling faces. :)
filePeter isn't a sad person either, smiling 12.7% of the time.
wwalker seems to be sad at the moment: 5.6% lines contained sad faces. :(
amandreth is also a sad person, crying 2.9% of the time.
GNU\colossus wrote the longest lines, averaging 145.6 letters per line.
#mutt average was 94.3 letters per line. |
brejela_ wrote the shortest lines, averaging 39.3 characters per line.
init0 was tight-lipped, too, averaging 39.6 characters. |
dfdx spoke a total of 717 words!
dfdx's faithful follower, filePeter, didn't speak so much: 679 words.
JimmyCoder wrote an average of 56.00 words per line.
Channel average was 16.61 words per line.
Total number of lines: 4355.