different nicks were represented on #mutt.
| Nick | Lines | When? | Words | Seen | Random quote |
1 |
dive | 633 |     | 6939 | 56d ago | "That's man muttrc, not man mutt." |
2 |
micromar | 389 |   | 5212 | 25d ago | "personally, I avoid backticks but they should work generally." |
3 |
kevin8t8 | 350 |    | 6447 | today | "dfdx: bind the key to something else, or to noop. e.g. bind inde" |
4 |
R2robot | 288 |     | 1992 | today | "https://snag.gy/6Lqz7d.jpg" |
5 |
mgedmin | 120 |    | 1307 | 61d ago | "(other than that, both methods work)" |
6 |
dfdx | 108 |   | 1978 | 5d ago | "Paddy_NI: in my .muttrc the only line i have referencing vim is t" |
7 |
TomasCZsd | 101 |  | 633 | 320d ago | "----| \ /\ / |----" |
8 |
RadoQ | 92 |    | 898 | yesterday | "wwalker, mailcap / automatics are always tricky, even with mutt." |
9 |
initself | 89 |   | 621 | 98d ago | "so it's got Sender right in mutt, but not From" |
10 |
damarusama | 77 |  | 688 | 10d ago | "could I use w3m as a 'reader' for html email to display images?" |
11 |
rob0 | 76 |    | 1135 | 231d ago | "not sure, but you can add the address[es] to Cc: or Bcc:" |
12 |
dyamon | 74 |     | 1242 | 114d ago | "if anyone else has tips on that I'm happy to hear about them! ;)" |
13 |
fnstudio | 73 |    | 1294 | 27d ago | "and if not, what the differences are" |
14 |
qsx | 72 |    | 740 | 58d ago | "Tichodroma: set $hostname" |
15 |
uniusz | 69 |    | 511 | 199d ago | "ill be gratefull for any help" |
16 |
madduck | 69 |    | 1041 | 10d ago | "R2robot: does it count that my desk is in the corner?" |
17 |
leosemilie | 67 |   | 635 | 174d ago | "what is the %?a? abd so on, anyway?" |
18 |
filePeter | 63 |    | 788 | today | "taman: Brilliant! I have to thank you, too!" |
19 |
amjam | 63 |   | 1254 | 57d ago | "I also use gmail with mutt, but I use mutt's built-in IMAP functi" |
20 |
stram | 63 |  | 508 | 91d ago | "i know in maildir, file names reflect marking for deletion" |
21 |
bleb | 62 |     | 781 | 57d ago | "is there a good way to print the MuttGuide or other pages from th" |
22 |
ScrumpyJack | 62 |    | 712 | 16d ago | "ooo, found this "set reverse_name=yes"" |
23 |
AK | 62 |    | 669 | 56d ago | "lemme do it with dwm. killing X" |
24 |
roxlu | 61 |    | 1032 | 121d ago | "avalon: do you know a solution maybe?" |
25 |
cra | 60 |   | 760 | 94d ago | "I converted the email message body from quoted-printable to 8bit," |
26 |
hringriin | 59 |    | 1663 | 11d ago | "dyamon: giving up ... dialog seems to be doing crap with the outp" |
27 |
Wafficus | 57 |  | 540 | 88d ago | "hi there, question about setting up mutt for the first time, a gu" |
28 |
Hasimir | 56 |     | 997 | 133d ago | "CM will run over Tor and i2p" |
29 |
bmeneg | 53 |  | 548 | 229d ago | "dive: the message that is under my cursor, that is selected" |
30 |
Trel | 51 |   | 726 | 113d ago | "I don't want to automatically check" |
31 |
sdk__ | 46 |    | 872 | 47d ago | "oh he's not here anymore. great." |
32 |
edison^23 | 46 |    | 1065 | 112d ago | "micromar: but it's more comfortable to have more colors :)" |
33 |
maroloccio | 46 |    | 612 | 18d ago | "It's hard for me to come out of TMUX on this computer now, sadly" |
34 |
NeonLicht | 44 |     | 557 | 120d ago | "Actually, I have no clue how to toggle that. LOL" |
35 |
miqlas | 44 |   | 434 | 339d ago | "No, actually not. I think i'll never mess with mutt again." |
36 |
aoh_ | 42 |     | 435 | 175d ago | "This doesn't make sense to me." |
37 |
foxxx0 | 42 |    | 376 | 47d ago | "+ easily usable with folder hooks for different accounts :)" |
38 |
thorsten` | 41 |     | 518 | 6d ago | "strk: http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/#hooks" |
39 |
kishmesh | 38 |    | 707 | 120d ago | "how likely is it that we will see autocrypt for mutt?" |
40 |
zanshin | 36 |     | 602 | 11d ago | "Please solve your own problems so that we can help you faster. ;)" |
41 |
amandreth | 35 |   | 535 | 4d ago | "I had looked at it too long yesterday and couldn't see my typo." |
42 |
Ublx | 35 |     | 634 | yesterday | "`acro index 'c' '<change-folder>?<change-dir><home>^K=<enter>'`" |
43 |
sdk_ | 35 |    | 370 | 14d ago | "I'm still using procmail server side." |
44 |
geophertz | 35 |    | 225 | 270d ago | "that I am trying to do right now" |
45 |
furrymcgee | 34 |    | 255 | today | "message is flagged see Table 2.5. Message status flags" |
46 |
patanga | 33 |   | 534 | today | "so a multiline signature is prescribed in one .muttrc line" |
47 |
ejr | 33 |    | 738 | 147d ago | "also, account1 in my case is imap as well" |
48 |
changcheng | 33 |    | 472 | 62d ago | "@callipygous: try the method given by kevin8t8" |
49 |
Naglfar | 33 |    | 252 | 46d ago | "I noticed this message: IMAP4rev1 Server logging out" |
50 |
sleepymario | 33 |    | 358 | 84d ago | "R2robot: it's kind of half done" |
51 |
strk | 33 |    | 331 | 51d ago | "actually, that's _exactly_ the issue" |
52 |
mingdao | 31 |    | 260 | 38d ago | "in ~/.muttrc I have: set print_command="echo $1"" |
53 |
F_ | 31 |    | 706 | 28d ago | "perhaps I am using mutt wrong?" |
54 |
Rince | 29 |    | 246 | 113d ago | "otherwise, check the $pop_*-Variables" |
55 |
Kingsy | 29 |    | 290 | 168d ago | "hm I might have a fast interval. SO I can see emails pop in" |
56 |
JC_Denton | 29 |   | 267 | 6d ago | "and tmux as well, it appears" |
57 |
f8l | 29 |    | 481 | 14d ago | "The index I mentioned can also be reached with ‘y tab’." |
58 |
dminca | 28 |   | 161 | 319d ago | "ahhh forgot about that one. Thank you avalon" |
59 |
widp | 27 |   | 168 | 314d ago | "so "set maildir_header_verify=false?" |
60 |
lt | 27 |    | 341 | 50d ago | "I've figured it out ... It looks for ~/.muttrc on debian buster" |
Is kishmesh stupid or just asking too many questions? 52.6% lines contained a question!
changcheng didn't know that much either. 45.5% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was dyamon, who yelled 21.6% of the time!
Another old yeller was hringriin, who shouted 18.6% of the time!
It seems that geophertz's shift-key is hanging: 5.7% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <geophertz> O
miqlas just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 4.5% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly. |
bmeneg brings happiness to the world. 26.4% lines contained smiling faces. :)
filePeter isn't a sad person either, smiling 15.9% of the time.
strk seems to be sad at the moment: 9.1% lines contained sad faces. :(
fledl is also a sad person, crying 7.7% of the time.
hringriin wrote the longest lines, averaging 161.0 letters per line.
#mutt average was 75.1 letters per line. |
TomasCZsd wrote the shortest lines, averaging 27.9 characters per line.
widp was tight-lipped, too, averaging 32.1 characters. |
dive spoke a total of 6939 words!
dive's faithful follower, kevin8t8, didn't speak so much: 6447 words.
jurisrz wrote an average of 82.00 words per line.
Channel average was 13.44 words per line.
Total number of lines: 63936.