different nicks were represented on #procmail.
| Nick | Lines | When? | Words | Seen | Random quote |
1 |
Myon | 4662 |     | 29280 | 24d ago | "usemod as honey pot/spam trap? heh" |
2 |
Rado | 1933 |   | 14844 | 3d ago | "zeroC, does locking generally work there?" |
3 |
brick | 1030 |     | 8394 | 56d ago | "to write an external processor" |
4 |
ph | 691 |    | 4586 | 330d ago | "This usually is the job of your MTA." |
5 |
uriel | 607 |     | 4836 | 1340d ago | "Epicserve: sorry, don't take me too seriously ;)" |
6 |
Ugly | 360 |     | 1825 | 1827d ago | "i have a number of diskless nodes" |
7 |
Speuler | 339 |     | 2697 | 1621d ago | "iob: people tend to lose data once only." |
8 |
redondos | 331 |     | 2525 | 602d ago | "So you're the only user there?" |
9 |
jeward | 331 |   | 2127 | 613d ago | "How do I fork off a copy of each mail to another address?" |
10 |
AL13N | 325 |     | 2707 | 1174d ago | "nvm, i'll do it some other way" |
11 |
lilalinux | 318 |   | 1908 | 90d ago | "yeah, I found it in the faq yesterday" |
12 |
misty | 267 |   | 2102 | 770d ago | "I gave up on it and put the individual .procmailrc files back" |
13 |
znoG | 251 |     | 2429 | 847d ago | "yea, thats the first thing i'd install" |
14 |
LostNoobs | 210 |    | 926 | 1069d ago | "procmail: Assigning "LOGABSTRACT=all"" |
15 |
elge | 202 |     | 1319 | 53d ago | "try by defining MAILDIR DEFAULT and ORGMAIL at least" |
16 |
setuid | 185 |    | 1437 | 912d ago | "Now its 1 message every 5-8 minutes" |
17 |
Adam_B | 184 |   | 1021 | 1776d ago | "diald.log.3.gz mail.log postgres.log" |
18 |
Bobstro | 172 |    | 1824 | 892d ago | "seems fine, except maybe :0fw ..." |
19 |
JimB | 160 |     | 1899 | 512d ago | "|exec|: see pm-tips.html in the topic" |
20 |
Deep6 | 160 |    | 930 | 564d ago | "ok if I don't include SWITCHRC?" |
21 |
berkel | 158 |   | 690 | 568d ago | "-rw------- 1 cyrus cyrus 2636 2007-04-27 14:12 cyrus.cache" |
22 |
Corical | 156 |    | 1493 | 1269d ago | "thats what it says on a typical email that comes in from outside" |
23 |
sanitarium | 154 |   | 1091 | 1018d ago | "can you tell me how to change it" |
24 |
Supaplex | 147 |     | 1105 | 855d ago | "anyway, I have a friend to go see. good luck." |
25 |
mnemoc | 130 |    | 952 | 1055d ago | "any comment is _very_ wellcomed" |
26 |
grummund | 125 |     | 1109 | 209d ago | "yes it is, in the case of wildcard user." |
27 |
Grantbow | 120 |     | 976 | 1562d ago | "mrproper: what MTA are you using?" |
28 |
spike | 120 |    | 1301 | 499d ago | "mb2md took seconds with 100% load, which is what I expected" |
29 |
ermes | 118 |  | 636 | 28d ago | "is right the syntax " ! $sender message.txt "" |
30 |
Bronsky | 118 |   | 606 | 239d ago | "* ^Subject:.*\*\*\*SPAM\*\*\* don't work" |
31 |
Rawplayer | 116 |    | 490 | 832d ago | "so the first * isnt usefull" |
32 |
Kartagis | 115 |    | 839 | 39d ago | "does procmail operate on Return-Path?" |
33 |
prologic | 112 |     | 751 | 623d ago | "procmail doesn't like anything I put in .procmailrc" |
34 |
yoo | 111 |     | 503 | 654d ago | "Michael__, you run on which distribution ?" |
35 |
Lartuv | 105 |  | 533 | 1100d ago | "cause new i part of the mh folder format" |
36 |
ifvoid | 104 |    | 697 | 1590d ago | "Myon: I use this to detect empty bodies:" |
37 |
Bounga | 103 |   | 535 | 1609d ago | "procmail: No match on "^X-Spam-Flag: YES"" |
38 |
LMJ | 102 |    | 818 | 212d ago | "Rado : It was a " issue ;)" |
39 |
Getty | 101 |   | 514 | 1848d ago | " Subject: test Thu Aug 7 15:42:31 CEST 2003" |
40 |
nomed^ | 99 |   | 503 | 1322d ago | "and i think mutt it's faster with this mailbox format" |
41 |
xanthus | 99 |     | 550 | 1723d ago | "What is the size of /var/mail/me ?" |
42 |
dj1 | 96 |   | 817 | 1200d ago | "so any clue why the replacement variables are not working?" |
43 |
wwalker | 96 |    | 1480 | 14d ago | "Hi, I've been using procmail successfully for years. On the same" |
44 |
rxKaffee | 93 |    | 787 | 1639d ago | "TrollBoy: those are email clients... not filtering utilities" |
45 |
yogurtthewise | 92 |    | 1182 | 779d ago | "Nin: are you using any MTA locally? ie postfix/exim/qmail?" |
46 |
iob | 81 |   | 894 | 1531d ago | "id really love to know where my mail is now, btw :)" |
47 |
fernando | 81 |    | 346 | 1122d ago | "Myon same withou $ no send for mailbox specified" |
48 |
rgsteele | 79 |   | 983 | 453d ago | "Hey guys. I've got a situation where procmail repeatedly tries t" |
49 |
shishirm1 | 79 |   | 565 | 275d ago | "it doesnt see the second line only" |
50 |
cr3 | 78 |    | 1265 | 926d ago | "nevermind, I found the solution by recursively includrc'ing a bun" |
51 |
CaT[tm] | 77 |     | 795 | 813d ago | "possibly. I don't use a global one." |
52 |
eyda|mon | 77 |    | 621 | 1495d ago | "" Procmail can be used to create mail-servers... "" |
53 |
xbmodder | 76 |     | 407 | 1489d ago | "| _| (_) | | \ V V / (_| | | | (_| |_|" |
54 |
babo | 75 |  | 290 | 902d ago | " in accessing /var/mail/babo." |
55 |
Phtm | 75 |  | 361 | 602d ago | "i don't know how the .forward file works :(" |
56 |
paka | 74 |    | 520 | yesterday | "nop still waiting, you haven't accepted it" |
57 |
KrispyKringle | 74 |    | 995 | 1155d ago | "anyone mind telling me the best way to forward mail matching a gi" |
58 |
Assid | 74 |    | 513 | 228d ago | "* B ?? [a-z0-9_.]@[a-z0-9_.]\.ua" |
59 |
ahaning | 73 |     | 779 | 1380d ago | "so damn, shit, fuck.. done" |
60 |
klys | 73 |   | 430 | 1738d ago | "it is delivered if it is just:" |
Is cr3 stupid or just asking too many questions? 35.9% lines contained a question!
Kartagis didn't know that much either. 35.7% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was cr3, who yelled 16.7% of the time!
Another old yeller was reagleBRKLN, who shouted 11.1% of the time!
It seems that dj1's shift-key is hanging: 5.2% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <dj1> ! ${ALLOWED}
xanthus just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 4.0% of the time.
Myon is a very aggressive person. He attacked others 3 times. For example, like this: * Myon slaps NOPASTE around a bit with a large website
bronze can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 1 times.
Poor the, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 1 times. For example, like this: * Myon slaps the guy who made $MAILDIR and the Maildir format having the same name
his seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 1 times.
iob brings happiness to the world. 50.6% lines contained smiling faces. :)
nomed^ isn't a sad person either, smiling 16.2% of the time.
grummund seems to be sad at the moment: 5.6% lines contained sad faces. :(
AL13N is also a sad person, crying 4.3% of the time.
cr3 wrote the longest lines, averaging 92.6 letters per line.
#procmail average was 47.0 letters per line. |
kaushal wrote the shortest lines, averaging 17.3 characters per line.
Rawplayer was tight-lipped, too, averaging 23.1 characters. |
Myon spoke a total of 29280 words!
Myon's faithful follower, Rado, didn't speak so much: 14844 words.
F0xy` wrote an average of 77.00 words per line.
Channel average was 8.45 words per line.
Total number of lines: 67649.