different nicks were represented on #mutt.
| Nick | Lines | When? | Words | Seen | Random quote |
1 |
patanga | 21 |   | 409 | today | "i imagine to work on that ...." |
2 |
gpanders | 17 |   | 385 | today | "trysten: you're talking about moving messages from your inbox int" |
3 |
trysten | 13 |   | 339 | 2d ago | "Are you IMAP only as well?" |
4 |
brejela_ | 11 |   | 75 | today | "Nope. It's not the sort variable." |
5 |
init0 | 10 |  | 41 | yesterday | "though i'd automate that with procmail or sieve or..." |
6 |
RadoQ | 9 |   | 122 | yesterday | "patanga, what you mean with "load a postponed file"?" |
7 |
kevin8t8 | 7 |   | 153 | today | "ajak: that's an error returned by the GPGME library from the gpgm" |
8 |
ajak | 6 |   | 134 | today | "well, i don't have a cert, i'd like to use my GPG key" |
9 |
filePeter | 5 |    | 31 | today | "patanga: No idea, but mutt’s fantastic. ;-)" |
10 |
GNU\colossus | 4 |  | 102 | yesterday | "I use mutt to interact with a Maildir via dovecot/imap. I have fu" |
11 |
moviuro | 2 |  | 43 | 7d ago | "Hi all, what are some sane ideas to manage contacts (and integrat" |
12 |
binTrl | 2 |  | 77 | 5d ago | "Hello, I've got mutt with gmail on imap. Whenever I open an email" |
13 |
eiro | 1 |  | 21 | 4d ago | "hello people. is there a way to reply to a message based on its p" |
Is patanga stupid or just asking too many questions? 57.1% lines contained a question!
ajak didn't know that much either. 50.0% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was brejela_, who yelled 9.1% of the time!
Another old yeller was patanga, who shouted 4.8% of the time!
It seems that init0's shift-key is hanging: 10.0% of the time he wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <init0> X^^
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly. |
filePeter brings happiness to the world. 20.0% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Nobody is sad in #mutt! What a happy channel. :-) |
trysten wrote the longest lines, averaging 143.6 letters per line.
#mutt average was 101.2 letters per line. |
filePeter wrote the shortest lines, averaging 36.8 characters per line.
brejela_ was tight-lipped, too, averaging 39.3 characters. |
patanga spoke a total of 409 words!
patanga's faithful follower, gpanders, didn't speak so much: 385 words.
binTrl wrote an average of 38.50 words per line.
Channel average was 17.89 words per line.
Total number of lines: 1113.