different nicks were represented on #mutt.
| Nick | Lines | When? | Words | Seen | Random quote |
1 |
Rado | 23709 |    | 183255 | yesterday | "mutt tell fbond about folders" |
2 |
Myon | 19904 |     | 135219 | yesterday | "hmm, maybe some evil pattern like !~(~=)" |
3 |
init0 | 17921 |     | 113150 | yesterday | "try http://muttrcbuilder.org/" |
4 |
Glanzmann | 10931 |     | 80344 | 531d ago | "And mutt also asks me questions." |
5 |
brendan | 10522 |     | 89798 | 5d ago | "without hcache, maildir_header_cache_verify is irrelevant" |
6 |
pdmef | 5076 |    | 63340 | 12d ago | "exg: An update to the latest hg crew solved the mass file update" |
7 |
redondos | 4106 |     | 35025 | 5d ago | "macro index "\Ct" '<search>~h "X-Label: .*"<enter>'" |
8 |
dato | 3411 |     | 22803 | 994d ago | "brendan: would you mind taking a look directly directly in Debian" |
9 |
fernando | 3172 |    | 12702 | 233d ago | "init0: fine. How are you going?" |
10 |
yeled | 3103 |     | 13192 | 139d ago | "i dont have to cycle through all my maiboxes anymore" |
11 |
scandal | 2566 |     | 22338 | 5d ago | "gsamsa: not really. you can create an alias based on the From: a" |
12 |
tpope | 2289 |     | 16167 | 303d ago | "exim is popular, postfix is popular" |
13 |
SvenG | 2095 |     | 18534 | 41d ago | "and your question is "what did my friend do wrong - and how shall" |
14 |
xanthus | 1929 |     | 13107 | 1771d ago | "It is an "SMTP plugin" for Mutt" |
15 |
ekh | 1702 |     | 11608 | 1817d ago | "hey, I think I found a solution to your problem! :-)" |
16 |
rickcr | 1553 |     | 20310 | 1701d ago | "i was thinking i iddn't want it to autoview anything for me." |
17 |
JimB | 1463 |     | 16532 | 543d ago | "mercury^: why not send everything thru your ISP's SMTP gateway?" |
18 |
Callipygous | 1163 |    | 6275 | 1217d ago | "what does it use to dintinguish?" |
19 |
mangels | 1058 |     | 7109 | 266d ago | "nevertheless putting the web-pages into a (public) repository is" |
20 |
tlr | 1047 |     | 8699 | 742d ago | "it is hardcoded as find duplicate" |
21 |
ThunderChicken | 940 |     | 6937 | 39d ago | "copy .muttrc, append a send-hook, copy back the original?" |
22 |
spike | 929 |     | 10278 | 22d ago | ";cause it's /Users/spike and not /home/spike, that's the error" |
23 |
calmar | 895 |     | 9543 | 240d ago | "there is no reason, once it works, and once not." |
24 |
madduck | 890 |    | 7126 | 7d ago | "what you are trying to do is not really possible with mutt" |
25 |
Tauon | 852 |     | 9234 | yesterday | "MuttWiki: cpe-76-176-113-176.san.res.rr.com changed MuttGuide/Spa" |
26 |
brick | 849 |    | 6516 | 57d ago | "though i didn't tag them...." |
27 |
exg | 840 |     | 8354 | 2d ago | "pdmef: did you write by chance anything like an interactive curse" |
28 |
Feh | 837 |   | 4390 | 1068d ago | "fernando: former known as "musb"?" |
29 |
ft | 815 |     | 7199 | yesterday | "on PC keyboards, <ESC>/ can be done as Alt-/" |
30 |
snappy | 790 |     | 8082 | yesterday | "hmm, I think that's an old patch." |
31 |
xterminus | 779 |     | 7517 | 905d ago | "see, bg color is set to default" |
32 |
inkedmn | 744 |     | 4568 | 1286d ago | "the only port they block is 80" |
33 |
atpa8a | 700 |   | 3709 | 52d ago | "what's the command to purge emails right away?" |
34 |
Agiofws | 694 |     | 4378 | 42d ago | "is it procmail ? is it mutt ?" |
35 |
emrys | 688 |     | 10250 | 2d ago | "anyone done anything with making body coloring context-aware?" |
36 |
stark | 686 |    | 4771 | 786d ago | "to edit .muttrc and then source it...no restart necessary" |
37 |
bernard | 671 |     | 4157 | 1199d ago | "(/usr/bin/mutt *is* a an executable)" |
38 |
jni | 669 |     | 7041 | 1573d ago | "the changelogs are probably available somewhere" |
39 |
Louie | 660 |     | 6643 | 5d ago | "Rado: is pasteling your bot?" |
40 |
nightswim | 644 |     | 3914 | 409d ago | "what could be wrong if mutt doesnt register my <esc>b pressing? :" |
41 |
holst | 637 |     | 3959 | 8d ago | "probably, are you using vim?" |
42 |
ludan | 636 |     | 4240 | 37d ago | "there's a google mail fetcher" |
43 |
Xenguy | 635 |     | 5783 | 16d ago | "pablo__: you could just create the file: touch /var/mail/paul" |
44 |
bongoman | 628 |     | 5032 | 43d ago | "anyone using the inbuilt smtp feature in mutt with gmail as the s" |
45 |
windowsrefund | 603 |     | 5182 | 1465d ago | "mailbox imap://foo@domain.tld@mail.domain.tld" |
46 |
Bonez39 | 590 |     | 8108 | 339d ago | "what generates the phrase Mailbox is unchanged or the one showing" |
47 |
agriffis | 588 |    | 8681 | 6d ago | "ftehw: source a separate file that sets $my_pass etc." |
48 |
chalcedony | 574 |     | 3807 | 8d ago | "175678 N * Jun 18 leonard rita (0.1K) Your video file llhull" |
49 |
viric | 563 |     | 3458 | 1530d ago | "viric@vicerveza.homeunix.net" |
50 |
nookie | 557 |     | 2249 | 845d ago | "thank you very much my friend" |
51 |
rp | 551 |     | 3474 | 1480d ago | "what is syntax of alternates ...... I have" |
52 |
derekS | 545 |     | 4210 | 414d ago | "i am importing mail from an old thunderbird mbox" |
53 |
deryni | 545 |     | 6171 | 179d ago | "I seem not to understand what at all you wanted if gf is the answ" |
54 |
psiborg | 544 |    | 3617 | 1643d ago | "mutt sends out spoofed email here without whining" |
55 |
tonio | 541 |     | 5067 | 208d ago | "atpa8a: have you imap-subscribed the folders you want to see ?" |
56 |
Ketju | 540 |    | 6055 | 647d ago | "They can't stop you from using esmtp to relay to their server." |
57 |
winkle | 537 |     | 3616 | 1091d ago | "ctp: mutt -y is close, but it doesn't list number of new mails." |
58 |
|Lupin| | 534 |     | 4477 | 290d ago | "xand: you may also be interested in the imap_passive variable" |
59 |
k-god | 509 |    | 4500 | 873d ago | "Ah, ok. Yeah, I guess it does." |
60 |
_jones | 500 |     | 4114 | 1545d ago | "Myon: i'd like them to be _already_ sorted when I launch mutt -y" |
Is knt stupid or just asking too many questions? 45.4% lines contained a question!
Bonez39 didn't know that much either. 42.9% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was deever, who yelled 17.5% of the time!
Another old yeller was yoo, who shouted 13.0% of the time!
It seems that Coke's shift-key is hanging: 6.1% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <Coke> LC_PAPER="POSIX"
Dowland just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 2.8% of the time.
Myon is a very aggressive person. He attacked others 23 times. For example, like this: * Myon slaps Glanzmann with a 50lbs FreeBSD manual
Rado can't control his aggressions, either. He picked on others 5 times.
Poor himself, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 8 times. For example, like this: * Myon slaps himself
Rado seems to be unliked too. He got beaten 5 times.
elho brings happiness to the world. 31.6% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Feh isn't a sad person either, smiling 27.5% of the time.
CIA-27 seems to be sad at the moment: 19.1% lines contained sad faces. :(
CIA-42 is also a sad person, crying 16.0% of the time.
cr3 wrote the longest lines, averaging 106.4 letters per line.
#mutt average was 47.3 letters per line. |
timofonic wrote the shortest lines, averaging 19.4 characters per line.
nookie was tight-lipped, too, averaging 22.1 characters. |
Rado spoke a total of 183255 words!
Rado's faithful follower, Myon, didn't speak so much: 135219 words.
james_ wrote an average of 82.00 words per line.
Channel average was 8.65 words per line.
Total number of lines: 548463.